A very simple FileHandler which allows to view the geographic maps provided by several online services such as (currently):
Open Street Map
Google maps (satellite, street map and hybrid)
Microsoft Bing maps (formerly Virtual Earth)
Arc GIS maps
Yandex maps
Any Web Map Services conforming to Open Geospatial Org
As all these maps are structured in an equivalent tile system, they can all be treated the same way for tile retrieval and display.
This viewer allows to seamlessly switch between the different map types and pan/zoom according to what the selected service provides.
In addition to the direct display of the tiles as retrieved from the internet, it is possible to perform caching in memory as well as on disk. That allows to view such map data offline (without internet connection) once the desired map tiles have been viewed and have thus ended up in the file cache.
Despite its name, this plugin is actually an editor in the FileHandler terminology, as it allows to save the current view state of the map.