Screen Ruler — Measure lengths on screen
Displays a ruler window on screen to allow for pixel length measurements.
A great little tool that allows to accurately measure pixel lengths on screen. This is especially useful when measuring graphics, web page browser sizes or similar screen oriented data.
When launched, the screen ruler window will appear with the last active settings. It is possible to open as many ruler windows as desired or necessary. Note, however, that when closing a ruler window (by selecting the corresponding command from the right-click context menu) it will save its current settings; hence, the last closed window will determine, how the next window will be looking when it is opened.
It is possible to turn on or off whether the ruler window should always stay on top of all other windows by selecting the corresponding command from the right-click context menu.
Whenever the cursor is over the ruler window, it will change to cross-hairs and the distance of the cursor from the beginning of the scale (value zero) of the ruler will be displayed in its center.
The end at which the scale has its origin (e.g. value zero) can be toggled from one to the other by either selecting the Toggle direction command from the right-click context menu or by double clicking the ruler while pressing and holding the CTRL key.
The side on which the scale is displayed can be toggled from one to the other by either selecting the Toggle alignment command from the right-click context menu or by double clicking the ruler while pressing and holding the SHIFT key.
Finally, the orientation of the ruler window can be toggled between horizontal and vertical by either selecting the Toggle orientation command from the right-click context menu or by double clicking the ruler without pressing either the CTRL or SHIFT key.
Hovering the mouse cursor over the end of the scale (e.g. the opposite end from that which displays the zero value) will allow to resize the ruler window to the desiried length by clicking and dragging. Note, however, that there is a certain minimal size and the maximum length is restricted to the current active screen dimension in that particular direction.
To move the ruler window to the desired location, simply place the cursor anywhere on it, left click and drag while holding down the mouse button while dragging. During moving, the ruler window will display its current location in the center. Depending on the current settings of direction and alignment, this display is relative to any of the four screen corners: it always displays the distance of the zero end of the scale on the side where the markings are to its opposing screen corner.
Note: The Java JRE/JDK version 1.5 (a.k.a. Java 5) has a faulty JWindow behavior upon resize and orientation changing. In such an environment it is still possible to use the screen ruler, but it will show erroneous window contents whenever the window is enlarged or the orientation toggled. Closing and reopening a ruler window after such a change will allow to use it as desired though.